Jürgen Schadeberg's photos are filled with life. Real substance to back up an image. Being in New York I've realized how important it is to have experiences that you can then implement into your work. Work can't be forced. It has to develop on its own from substance. After looking at ad after ad in Vogue, Nylon, blah blah blah it becomes apparent that real work comes from real experience. Forced work might be technically interesting and beautiful, but forced work will always be forced work. Jürgen falls along the ranks of Lauren Greenfield. Photographers who embed themselves in the lives of people they are interested in, and then photograph them. Creating beautiful and powerful stories about real people. These stories open up chapters of the world most people could never even think of. Even if the photos are not as technically advanced as advertising campaigns, the work is more important because it is real. This is the hard place that many photojournalists face during their careers. How to balance the love of honest photojournalism with the financial compensation of advertising. It's important for an artist to stay true to themselves...This is where art becomes powerful.
Jürgen Schadeberg's work influenced the Janet Jackson music video by Mark Romanek. Romanek is also a badass.
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