Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poison plants

I don't really understand the notion of "beauty" photography. This is the type of photography that goes into Estee Lauder type makeup campaigns, MAC, Neautrogena...whatever. And then there is always the ever popular model mayhem (mm) beauty photography, which is something unto itself.
But how can an industry really try to create this one notion of beauty for everyone, when everyone clearly does not have the same ingrained notion of beauty? When we are born, nature tells our mind what is beautiful and what is too crazy: the blue in the sea, the red in poison plants. We create our own notion of beauty as our minds grow. Thus explaining why most people think their moms are really beautiful.
But how can their be one standard? That doesn't even make sense, and honestly its not that beautiful.

1 comment:

Cel said...

Scary! I like this though.. More please.